Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NCortidQCTName namespace for CortidQCT library
 NColorToLabelMapsNamespace containing color to label maps
 CCustomMapA customaizable color to label map
 CConstructionHelper< std::array< T, N >, 0 >
 CConstructionHelper< T, 0 >
 CBarycentricPointValidatorHelper_< false >
 CBarycentricPointValidatorHelper_< true >
 CWeightedARAPFitterThis class implements a weighted as-rigid-as-possible mesh fitting algorithm that uses a point-to-plane metric
 CBarycentricPointBarycentricPoint data type. Represents a points on triangulation in barycentric coordinates
 CDiscreteRangeType representing a discrete closed, stridable range
 CMartrixIOWrapperWrapper for Eigen matrices to support IO
 CMeasurementModelType representing the measurement model
 CMeshA triangle mesh class
 CConfigurationConfiguration type for MeshFitter
 CResultResult type
 CStateInternal State type
 CRayA basic ray datatype
 CVolumeSizeSize type for a 3D voxel
 CVoxelSizeSize type for a 3D voxel
 CVoxelVolumeType representing a voxel volume
 Chash< CortidQCT::ColorRGB >
 CCQCT_BarycentricPoint_tBarycentric point type
 CCQCT_Ray_tRay type
 CCQCT_VoxelVolumeSizeVoxelVolume size
 CCQCT_VoxelVolumeVoxelSizeVoxelVolume voxel size