src Directory Reference


file  BarycentricPoint.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the BarycentricPoint data type.
file  ColorToLabelMap.h [code]
 This finle contains definitions for color to index map types.
file  DiscreteRange.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the DiscreteRange template.
file  filesystem.h [code]
 Wrapper for including the C++17 filesystem header.
file  LabelToColorMap.h [code]
 This finle contains definitions for label to color map types.
file  MeasurementModel.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the MeasurementModel type.
file  Mesh.h [code]
 Include file defining the Mesh data type.
file  Optional.h [code]
 This header is a wrapper for including optional depending on the supported C++ standard version.
file  Padding.h [code]
 In this header the Padding helper type is defined.
file  Ray.h [code]
 Definition of Ray data structure.
file  RayMeshIntersection.h [code]
 This file contains the definition of the RayMeshIntersection type.
file  VolumeSize.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the VolumeSize type.
file  VoxelSize.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the VoxelSize type.
file  VoxelVolume.h [code]
 This header contains the definition of the VoxelVolume type.